I also emailed my query letter to be critiqued by agent Jennifer Laughran at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Thanks again to Shelli at Market My Words. Jennifer said I should hear back from her sometime this week.
In other exciting news...some of my fellow bloggers presented me with awards this week. Thanks guys!

#1 - When I was young, I had two pet iguanas named Cheyenne and Rufus.
#2 - I skipped second grade.
#3 - The first book I ever wrote was about alien body snatchers from the planet Xydor.
#4 - I was once suspended from middle school for taking part in a cafeteria food fight.
#5 - I was the editor of my high school newspaper.
#6 - I once sang "On the Good Ship Lollipop" in my school talent show.
#7 - I went to high school with Gillian Anderson who played Dana Scully on the X-Files.
#7 - I went to high school with Gillian Anderson who played Dana Scully on the X-Files.
So, which one is true?

#1 - I consider the morning a waste if I'm not up by at least 4am.
#2 - I take a nap everyday.
#3 - I've been to Canada, Scotland, Ireland, England, and Israel, but not Mexico.
#4 - My college degree is in electrical engineering.
#5 - I wrote my first book when I was seven years old.
#6 - My kids complain about riding in my car because the only band I ever listen to is the Goo Goo Dolls.
#7 - I spend two mornings each week leading a bible study.
I'd like to share the Creative Writer Award with Shannon at Book Dreaming, Theresa at Substitute Teacher's Saga, Jackee at Winded Words, Tess at Tess Hilmo, Amy at Invisible Sister, and Sharon at Random Thoughts.
I'd like to share the From Me to You Award with Wendy at W.M. Morrell's Musings From Down Under, Abby at Abby Annis, Niki at Wool 'N' Nuts, Old Kitty at Ten Lives and Second Chances, Robby at Once Upon a Book Blog/Fourteen Years, Velva at Tomatoes on the Vine, and Paula at MomforLife.
I know that not all of you "do" awards, so go ahead and post them, pass them on, or maybe just smile and think of me, but please know that I am so thankful for each one of you!
Until Thursday, happy writing, and may your coffee pot never run dry.
Until Thursday, happy writing, and may your coffee pot never run dry.