I'm sorry this is late, guys. I've been on a blogging break and this completely snuck up on me this morning. Anyway, hubs is having knee surgery today and so he's taking the day off work and was at home to answer my questions. So we're a little bit late, but here goes...
What food or drink is guaranteed to return me to a good mood, even after a bad day of writing?
A glass of red wine. (No, I'm not a lush, I swear!)
What one thing would you change about my writing habits?
The early-early morning writing sessions. (Apparently I wake him up some mornings when I get up to write at three a.m. However, I slept in until seven-thirty today, and he didn't like that either because he wondered what was wrong. Hmphhh.)
How hard is it to sit by and watch me struggle to attain a dream, knowing there's very little you can do to help?
It's very difficult because there's so little I can do about it. I know you love what you do, but I wish you would be given the opportunity to achieve your ultimate dream: getting published. (Even though he thinks he can't help much, he really does. First and foremost, he supports my being a stay-at-home mom, which in itself is a lot of work, but also affords me a lot of writing time I wouldn't otherwise have. He also reads and honestly critiques any of my work that I ask him to, which is a tremendous help and so appreciated!)
Do you ever wish I'd just give up and do something else?
Not unless you found something else to do that you liked as much. (Thanks, honey!)
So there you have it. Sorry so short, I apologize for letting this sneak up on me like I did! Hubs even said he would have written his own post had I given him time to work on it. Guess that goes to show you we can't assume what other people would or would not do!
Have a great Friday everyone!
I'm so sorry, I forgot to add: Thanks for DL Hammons and Talli Roland for sponsoring this blogfest. Please click here to read the other entries.