Greetings Blogging Buddies!
My family made it back from a week of skiing in Colorado all in one piece (despite a harrowing drive down the mountain in a pre-dawn snowstorm), the laundry's done, there are groceries in the kitchen, I've even spent a little time with my wip and complicated Tabitha's life a bit more. Now I've finally got some time to rejoin the blogosphere. I'm certain I've missed some great posts, but I can't wait to catch up with everyone!
I had some nice surprises waiting for me when I got home: awards! So my first order of business is to pass these on to some of my newer blogging buddies.

Thank you to Abby Annis for giving me the Silver Lining Award! For this award, all I have to do is pass it on to five bloggers. I'd like to pass this one on to:
1. Nicole at One Significant Moment at a Time.
2. Stephanie at Craziness, College, and a Little Creativity.
3. Anne at Piedmont Writer.
4. Tara at Feel of Something New.
5. Jen at Unedited.

Next, thank you to Nicole Ducleroir at One Significant Moment at a Time for presenting me with the Prolific Blogger Award. Nicole let her recipients choose which award they'd like to receive, and this one stuck out to me. Its inscription, "By definition, a prolific blogger 'is one who is intellectually productive...keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content,'" is a worthy goal which I am continually striving for.
I'd like to pass this award to:
1. Abby Annis.
3. Christine at Christine's Journey.
4. Myrna at Night Writer.
5. Lola at Sharp Pen/Dull Sword.
And last but not least, Abby Annis tagged me. I need to answer these questions:
I like getting up early and having the house to myself for some quiet writing time.
I like a full pot of hot coffee.
I like a great book.
I like a day when I don't have to go anywhere.
I like warm spring weather.
I like naps.
I like spending time with friends.
I like coconut and seafood - my two favorite foods.
I like jeans that fit just right.
I like my routine.
I like walking my dog through the park.
I like a clean house.
I love watching my children shine.
Today (Sunday) was peaceful and relaxing (so far - it's only 11:30am).
I hate realizing I've hurt someone's feelings.
I hate cleaning bathrooms.
I hate feeling rushed.
I hate when I let my schedule get too busy.
I hate when friends move away.
I hate beets.
I hate too much noise.
I hate missing my morning writing time.
I (secretly) like sitting at my son's soccer practice (as long as I have my laptop.)
I love blogging buddies.
And in return, I'd like to tag:
1. Kelly at Cross Your T's.
I hope you'll check out these blogs and get to know these fantastic bloggers.
Gotta go now - I've got some blogs to read and I can't wait to get to it!
Thank you so much for my award. That's really very sweet of you.
I'm glad you made it home safe and sound. Unfortunately I can't ski but would love to go to Colorado and hang out at a chalet.
Welcome back.
Aw, YAY! Thank you so much Susan!
I'm off to grab a quick lunch and will then do a quick blog in order to pass on the award to five more amazing bloggers.
You've made my day, so, once again, THANK YOU! :-))
Thanks Susan!!!
I promise I'll get to it soon (it seems I've been a little lazy on the award front)! : )
I hope you have a great weekend!!
Glad to hear your vacation was fun -- LOVE the family pic!! Congrats too on your awards, and thanks so much for passing one on to me. You made my day!
I loved your last comment on my blog, Susan. What's the title of the book you use when plotting a new project? My natural lack of (but desperate need for) organization has me motivated to read up on as many strategies as I can!
Have a great afternoon!
Welcome back!!! What a great pic of you and your lovely family! Glad you all had a fantastic time - holidays are such fun, especially with family, so that's really, realy nice!
And CONGRATULATIONS with your brilliant awards! I also really enjoyed your likes and dislikes! It's always fun to find out a little more about blogger friends - I feel I know you a little better!
Well done with also doing work on your WIP - that's brilliant!!
take care and WELCOME BACK!!!
Congrats on your awards!
I have been most remiss on that front. Have many to accept and hand out. One from you I think.
I hate cleaning bathrooms and hurting peoples feeling too :)
Love the family pic!
Wow, you came back to TWO blog awards! congratulations, and I'll look forward to checking out these blogs that are new to me. Welcome back :)
Welcome back!! :o)
Welcome back and congrats on your awards. :)
Thanks for all the welcome home wishes, everyone! It really is good to be back. And it was so much fun to be able to give out these awards, and I'm so glad those of you who received them have enjoyed them.
Anne - I'm actually not much of a skier, either. I somehow manage to regress each year while everyone in my family just gets better and better.
Kimberly - I wouldn't call it being lazy, just accumulating awards so you can do one big award post!
Nicole - the book I use is called First Draft in Thirty Days by Karen Wiesner. I'll head over and add this to a comment on your blog, too. It's really been helpful to me.
Old Kitty - I was so glad to come back and hear about Charlie! He looks like a doll.
Wendy - it's so good to hear from you! I've missed your posts, but I hope your having a very productive break!
So glad you had a nice time. Welcome back!
Susan--I'm so glad you are back! Did you come back to snow? When we left yesterday it was snowing a lot just north of STL.
Congratulations on the awards. It's a lovely feeling to know that our words are being read and liked. :)
I checked on your ducks in the park on Friday...I think that one of them might have an eating disorder. It wouldn't come over for bread crumbs???
Thanks for sharing your loves and hates...I'm right there with you on most of them. :)
Thanks for all of the great links! I'm off to explore...
Welcome back to the blogosphere and congratulations on your award.
I like when my jeans fit just right too. It's a good thing spring is back so I can get out more and exercise.
Thanks for the award!
I enjoyed reading about your likes and dislikes. I love jeans that fit just right, and naps are the best. I hate jeans that are too tight.
Bish - thank you!
Sharon - no, we never did get any snow here, but it's been raining all weekend. I'm so sorry we had to miss your visit to StL!
Theresa and Myrna - those well-fitting jeans are a real treasure, aren't they? Why do they seem harder and harder to find the older I get?
Welcome back! I hope if you were in Durango, CO, you sent a subconscious well wish to my parents there. (It's where I grew up). :o)
Congrats on all the awards and so sorry to have given you one more to worry about just as you got caught up! LOL!
Jackee - We were in Winter Park. I know nothing about Colorado geography, so I'm not sure how close we were to your parents. I'm jealous you grew up in Colorado, though - it's gorgeous! And I'm always happy to accept a new award! I might hang onto that one for a little while before I pass it on, but you'll notice it's already very beautifully displayed on my sidebar. :)
Welcome back (didn't know you were gone!). I enjoyed your "like/hate" list! Barb and I were at a writers' conference all day Saturday and there were several things you would have liked! Have a great week!
Paula - How cool that you and Barb got to go to a writer's conference together! My dad and I went to one together once, but he's not doing any writing lately. Thanks for the welcome back, it really is good to be home.
Welcome back and congrats on the awards!
Thanks for my award, and your kind comments on my blog scene :)
Susan--Congrats on your awards and on your safe return from your trip!
Thanks BTW for stopping by and for becoming a follower over at my place. I appreciate it!
Glad you had a nice trip! Congrats on your awards.
Welcome back, Susan. Lovely family there :)
Congratulations on your awards, Susan!! What a delightful surprise to come home from vacation and have goodies waiting for you!
Thank you SO much for thinking of me for the Prolific Blogger award! I'd never heard or known the meaning behind it! What an honor!
Welcome back to the blogosphere! Thanks again! :)
Thanks for the congratulations and welcome homes everyone - it is great to be back online and in touch with everyone again!
There is something for you on my blog
Congrats on the awards! Loved your list. :)
Thanks for thinking of me. Glad you're back, though I'm not really here to type this, since I'm unplugged. ;)
Congrats on your awards!
LOVE the family picture, thanks for sharing it with us!
And THANK YOU for giving me an award! I am honored. :o)
Thanks for always leaving such nice comments on my blog.
Glad you are home safe.
Christine - thank you for the award! Doesn't it look pretty on my sidebar? :)
Abby - thanks for (not really) stopping by since you're (not really) online!
Lola - thank you for your lovely comments as well! And enjoy the award - they're always fun to get and give.
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