Writing News:
I'm chugging right along on the wip, trying to maintain my 1 chapter/day revision pace, though some chapters need a lot more work than others. Thanks for all the encouraging words last week about the seemingly never-ending revision process!
Reading News:
I'm reading Messenger in the Mist by Aubrie over at Flutey Words and loving it! I'm hoping to post my review on Monday, but since I've never written a review before, that may be overly optmistic, so stay tuned.
Contest News:
These are repeats from last week, but I added them to that post late, so I'm putting them in again in case any of you missed them.
Carolina Valdez Miller at Carol's Prints and Sara McClung at Babbling Flow are both giving away ARCs.
Ann at Inkpots n' Quills is giving away signed copies of The Lacuna and The Poisonwood Bible.
Blogfest News:
I just signed up for the Guess That Character Blogfest hosted by Jen at unedited. This one looks like a lot of fun, and I don't have to write anything new for it (that's key!) It runs August 19 and 20. Why two days, you ask? I can't explain it all here, you'll just have to stop by Jen's and check it out.
DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude hosts the High Drama Blogfest/Giveaway on Saturday, August 7.
Lilah Pierce at Thoughts by Lilah Pierce hosts The Funniest Blogfest Ever on Wednesday, September 1.

An Award:
Today I'd like to pass on the Oh My Blog Award (given to me by the wonderful Shelley Sly at Stories in the Ordinary - thank you, Shelley!) to Bossy Betty. Betty's blog is one of the funniest I've encountered. I love hearing stories about Betty and HOB (Husband-of-Betty). If you haven't met Betty yet, hop on over and introduce yourself. You'll be glad you did!
And a Question Just for Fun:
What's your favorite type of candy? I recently rediscovered Blow Pops. They were my favorite when I was a kid and I still love 'em! The gum flavor lasts for approximately ten seconds, but it's still two candies in one. :)
Godiva for sure. When the Budget Man axes 'em, definitely those Dove bites or whatever they're called.
If you have a chance, drop by my place today. I've got my FIRST AUTHOR GUEST!!!
I love Rolos. It takes me back to my childhood and now I can enjoy the ice cream too!
I'm with Paul - Rolos are the best! I don't like candy much, but chocolate? Yup!
Awww We love Bossy Betty! :-) CONGRATULATIONS with your fab award! Yay!!
And thanks for the links to all these fab blogs and fests!!
And good luck with your revisions!! And what's my favourite sweet? Liquorice Allsorts!!!! I love em!!! They rule!!
Ok, I'll calm down now..
Have a fab wednesday! Take care
Patti - I loved your author interview! Yes, Godiva does rule, doesn't it?
Paul - Yes, Rolos are so yummy! And don't you love all the new flavors of ice cream? Butterfinger is my fave. :)
Jemi - I prefer chocolate to most other kinds of candy, but for some reason Blow Pops have always been a fave. Rolos are right up there with the best of 'em!
Old Kitty - Licorice Allsorts, I don't think I've had those since I was a kid! I do love licorice, though...I'm sure I'd still love them. And yes, Bossy Betty's posts always brighten my day. :)
It's hard to narrow it down to one kind of candy. I'm stuck between Lindt dark chocolate, Reese's peanut cups, and starbursts. :)
Oh my goodness, yes! Betty's blog is hilarious!
I've become a terrible caramel addict lately--especially the ones with the cream centers made by Goetze's Candy. Yum, yum, yum!
Regarding the revising, I've always heard "draft fast, revise slow." It takes as long as it takes; just keep plugging away and it will get there! :-)
Oh! Thanks so much for bestowing this honor upon me!! As you probably know, I am a terrible slob about passing awards on. I appreciate the shout out very much!
Candy--Mounds Bars, please. These can be delivered in bulk to my house at any time.
Great round-up of everything happening, Susan - thanks! I signed up for Jen's too - it looks like so much fun.
My favourite candy? I have to say red licorice. YUM!
Thanks for this information. It is great to be reminded of everything that is happening. I loved Blow Pops, right up to the point where I bought them for my kids. ;)
Crimey - All excellent choices! I'd have to go with the Reese's myself. I love cherry Starbursts, but they hurt my teeth. :(
Jennifer - I know, I thought more people needed to know about Betty's blog!
Laurel - Thanks for the encouragement! And I love caramel too, though I don't think I've tried the Goetze's candies. I'll have to keep an eye out for them!
Betty - I knew you weren't really an awards person, but I really wanted a chance to let other people know about your hilarious blog, so I decided to pass it your way anyway. I don't mind if you don't do anything with it, I know not everyone does awards! And I do love Mounds, but given the option I'd have to pick Almond Joy. Do you remember that "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't" song? I still sing that at Halloween when we have Almond Joys and Mounds in the house. Just one more reason for my children to think their mother is crazy.
Talli - I love red licorice too, but only cherry. Sometimes I'll get strawberry by mistake and it just doesn't cut it. And I'm excited for Jen's blogfest - she's so creative!
Elaine - I hadn't had a Blow Pop since I was little, but then I needed a photo of a lollipop for my blog, and instead of doing what normal people do and searching the internet, I went out and bought a bag of Blow Pops, and a new passion was born. Okay, not really a passion, but I do like to eat one while I play games with my kids. :)
Laffy Taffy for sure! No wait...Chocolate Oranges! No wait...Licorise Alsorts...Okay, it's any kind of candy.
Dark chocolate. No contest.
But, I do love a chocolate Tootsie pop. Also 2 candies in one. :)
Ooooh, thanks for the updates on those blogfests. They all looks so scruptious but I've found I often bite off more than I can chew when I join too many at a time. I will go and check em out though. Good luck with your wip and great post!
Sharon - Laffy Taffy, really? Don't they hurt your teeth? And I've never tried a chocolate orange. Sounds...interesting. :)
Lola - Gotta love those 2 candies in 1 combos!
Creepy Query Girl - I know exactly what you mean. I love blogfests, but I can't do too many of them because I try to go around and visit as many of the other entries as I can, and that definitely takes some time. But they are great, so I do try to take part as much as I can.
See's Candy is wonderful but not really available on the East Coast which is a bummer.
Oh, Blow Pops were so fun! I loved them as a kid. Sometimes I got too impatient for the (not-so-tasty) gum and just bit the lollypop. ;)
I'm mostly a chocolate lover, though, and recently rediscovered how much I love M&Ms.
Holly - I've never even heard of See's candy. I guess it's not available in the Midwest, either.
Shelley - I love peanut M&M's! The problem with those is I don't know when to quit. At least with a Blow Pop, I quit when it's gone. :)
SPREE!!! Preferably the original kind, but I'll eat chewy Spree too.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
Amy - Sprees are yummy! I think I like chewy best, though. :)
Kelly - Yes, those are great! I remember that was the only kind of candy my mom would eat, so when one of us got a Reese's for some reason, we'd usually share with her.
So much information packed in to one blog post! Thanks for the great stuff.
Candy...so many to choose from. Lifesavers, Twix, chocolate covered almonds. Candy is my vice, and my dentist can back me up on that.
Julie - You have excellent taste in candy! I'm actually surprised my dentist hasn't lectured me about my candy habits yet. :)
I'm glad you're working away on your WIP.
Thanks for all the links.
My new favorite candy are these gummy pandas from Trader Joe's with a liquid middle. I think they're called Tummy Yummy Pandas. So good!
I guess if I were stuck on a desert island I would need peanut M&Ms.
Stephen Tremp
Thanks for the reminders about blogfests. I'm signed up for Jen's and D.L.'s. Congrats on your award!
Best candy = English Toffee
You're so good at making plugs interesting and intriguing, Susan!
Now, for the fun question: When I was a child, I used to love a chewy candy that had pineapple flavor (I don't think they're available in the U.S). Now, I love Lindtor's Truffles -- who can resist the gooey molten chocolate on the inside?
Good luck with finishing your revision, and I very much look forward to reading the finished product!
Fave candy...hmmm...haven;t had sugar in years-- but I remember loving Skor bars and Mike and Ikes...and peanut butter cups.
hi miss susan! i real glad your getting that revising stuff done. its a lot of hard work for sure. i love those blogfests. i already signed up for miss jens. im gonna go look at some of the ones you put in your post. for candy my most favourite in the whole entire world is reeses mini peanutbutter cups. i could eat a ton of them!
...hugs from lenny
Theresa - Those do sound good! And what a cute name!
Stephen - Peanut M&M's are my favorite kind of M&M's too. I need nuts or coconut or caramel or something with my chocolate, I guess. :)
Shannon - I'm very tempted to sign up for DL's blogfest as well. I'm just not sure what I'd post for it, but I'll keep looking around!
Hema - Thanks so much, and I look forward to reading yours, too! And I do love a good truffle. :)
Jo - No chocolate in years? I've heard of people who can do that, even toyed with the idea of trying it, but I knew I'd never make it. You must have great will power!
Lenny - You always leave such cheerful comments! I'm looking forward to seeing your entry for Jen's blogfest - that should be a really fun blogfest.
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