Writing news:
I'm about halfway through yet another revision of Killing Kessler. I've been reading Manuscript Makeover by Elizabeth Lyon and trying to apply what I've been learning (especially the section on imagery - great stuff!) I'm also trying to incorporate what I've learned from KarenG's and Marcia Hoehne's wonderful critiques - thanks so much, ladies!
Reading news:
Reading news:
I'm not typically a fast reader, but I raced right through The Hunger Games and am now thoroughly engrossed in Catching Fire. I don't know how I'll last until August 24 to read Mockingjay. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend you run out and buy it right now! And no, no money was exchanged for this endorsement. :)
Contest news:
KarenG from Coming Down the Mountain will buy, read, and review one lucky winner's book. This contest is open to authors with at least one book for sale. Karen will be offering more giveaways in her Let-tuce Be Writers Contest Countdown.
KarenG from Coming Down the Mountain will buy, read, and review one lucky winner's book. This contest is open to authors with at least one book for sale. Karen will be offering more giveaways in her Let-tuce Be Writers Contest Countdown.
Al from Publish or Perish is celebrating his one-year blogiversary by giving away three 8"x10" prints of photographs from his blog. Al lives in Australia and posts the most amazing photographs. Whether you're a contest enterer or not, Al's blog is well worth a visit!
Two of my dearest blogging friends, Sharon Mayhew at Random Thoughts and Jackee Alston at Winded Words, will be giving away prizes throughout the month of July, including a grand finale prize of a group of gift cards. Good luck to all!
Marcia Hoehne gives away two 1000 word critiques each month. Marcia is an author, freelance editor, and teacher for The Institute of Children's Literature. Her contests begin on the third Thursday of each month, so that's tomorrow! I won this critique last month and it was so helpful!
Award news:

Today I'd like to give away the Blogger Buddie Award given to me by the lovely E. Elle at The Writer's Funhouse. I'd like to pass this award on to:
Aubrie at Flutey Words. Aubrie is not only a prolific author and amazing flutist (check out the link Aubrie left in her comment below to see for yourself - truly amazing!), but she also created the Fantasy/Sci Fi Blogger Award and passed it out to bloggers whose blogs promote the genres of Fantasy and Science Fiction. When I first saw this award, I knew I had to have it, and Aubrie was kind enough to pass it my way. If any other fantasy/sci fi writers out there don't have the Fantasy/Sci Fi Blogger Award but would like to, just visit Aubrie and let her know.

How cool that she created her own award to support those in the fantasy/sci fi genre! Thanks, Aubrie!
That's it for me. Have a great Wednesday Everyone!
I loved Hunger Games too (even though I don't normally read that genre). I still need to read Catching Fire!
I'm so curious to read the hunger games, its the next book in my TBR list! Congrats on the awards!
And good critique partners RULE!
Hi Susan, thanks for sharing these! Always look forward to your Wednesday posts
Have a great day
I love that Aubrie made her own award. Its so pretty!
Welcome Back!
The Funniest Blogfest Ever! on September 1st
Thanks for the shout out!
Good luck with the revision process. I generally really enjoy re-writing.
Aubrie is certainly creative.
What a cool award!! Thanks for my contest mention, and I've been to Al, Jackie & Sharon's contests as well. Yesterday I finally got caught up on visiting blogs. I'm up at 2 a.m. to write, but look at me, visiting blogs again! And I love the Institute of Children's Literature!! I took a course there years ago & they were better than any of the writing classes I'd taken in college. Good luck with Killing Kessler!
Congratulations with your awards!! The sci-fi one is so COOL!!!
And good luck with your WIP! It's brilliant that you've got great critiques from fabulous KarenG and Marcia!!! yay for you!
And thanks for all the info of these fab comps too!
Have a BRILLIANT Wednesday!
Take care
Cool! Thanks for the links! :)
Good luck with that revision and congrats on your award!
Lots of good news going on here, and congrats on your Award ... Happy Wednesday :)
Congrats on your awards! Happy Wednesday to you as well! :)
Lovely award. Happy revising! :-)
Congrats on the awards! :)
LOVED Hunger Games and Catching Fire - can't wait for MockingJay!
Congrats on your awards and thanks for all those great links! I haven't read The Hunger Games trilogy yet (aaack, stop throwing stones!) but it's definitely on my to-read list!
*anxiously awaiting Mockingjay* sigh...
Congrats on the revision going so well and thanks for the contest links. :)
Congratulations on the awards! Thanks for the shout out. Jackee and I have had some great answers to our questions already today!
Good luck with this round of revisions...Do I get to read Kessler next month when I come to visit?
Congrats on the awards and all the wonderful reading! And best of luck with your WIP! :)
Wow, Susan, thanks so much for all the publicity! I'm about halfway through a revision too, a couple of favorite writing books at my side. :)
Sounds like the book is coming along quite nicely, keep it up!
Congrats on the awards and on the progress on your revisions.
Great links! I just finished Catching Fire too, by the way. When you are done reading it, visit my rant (I mean post) about the ending and see if you agree or not!
Julie - I'm jealous, I wish I hadn't read Catching Fire yet - then I wouldn't have to wait another month to read the next installment. :)
Clara - I agree, good critique partners are priceless!
Culture - I'm so glad you like the Wednesday posts! They're fun to write, too.
Lilah - Thank you! And thanks for letting me know about the Funniest Blogfest Ever. Unfortunately, I am not a funny writer, though I wish, wish, wish I were!
Al - You're so welcome for the shout-out - I was glad to let people know about your wonderful blog!
KarenG - Thanks for the good luck wishes! I love The Institute of Children's Literature, also. I've taken two courses through them and loved them both.
Old Kitty - The critiques were both so helpful! I'm so blessed to have won them. And I just love Aubrie's award, too - it's so pretty. :)
Jennifer - You're very welcome!
Jai - Thank you!
Joanne - There is lots of great stuff going on now, that's one thing I love about Wednesday wrap-ups. :)
DL - Thanks! It has been a good Wednesday so far. :)
Stephanie - Thank you! I do like to revise, but sometimes it seems like it never ends...
Jemi - I finished Catching Fire today. I sat down and read in the middle of the day, which is something I almost never do, but I had two chapters to go and couldn't stop thinking about. They're so awesome!
Laura - I'm trying to get my daughter to read Hunger Games right now. She moved the book up to her bedroom but hasn't opened it yet. I keep wanting to force it into her hands because it's so,so good, but I guess I'll have to be patient. :)
Christina - August 24! Mine's already pre-ordered. :)
Sarahjayne - You're very welcome, there's some great contests going on!
Sharon - You can read when Kessler whenever you want (though I'd recommend waiting about a month until I slog through this current revision). But I don't want you to spend your visit reading instead of socializing! I'll email it to you whenever you're ready.
Talli - Thanks for the good luck wishes! Sometimes it seems like revisions will go on forever, and I'm so anxious to be done!
Marcia - You're very welcome for the publicity! It's the least I can do after your awesome critique. Plus, I want my blogging buddies to enter you contest so they can win their own critiques. :)
Crimey - It seems like it was coming along nicely, and now I've run out of steam. Maybe once my little one starts school again I'll get into a better routine and get more done (hopefully!)
Susan - Thank you!
Margo - I finished Catching Fire today! I definitely see what you mean about cliffhanger endings, but since I'm counting the days until Mockingjay comes out, I guess it just all seems like one big story to me anyway. :)
Thank you for mentioning me in your blog today! And thanks so much for the award!
If you want to hear me play flute:
Congrats on your awards and to your winners too!!
Aubrie - I just went to that link and listened. I am so impressed! That was so beautiful - thank you for sharing the link!
Betty - Thank you!
Good luck with the recision. I just finished one. Now breathe. Ahhh.
Stephen Tremp
You always have such great links and information. Thank you. Now, all I hafta' do is follow-through on all that great info.
~ Yaya
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