Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Can Comment!

NOTE: If you're looking for my Power of Tension blogfest entry, please click here.

At least, I think I can (comment, that is). I've left three comments so far this morning and Blogger seems to be working for me, so I hope I can keep going! I seem to have lost my Follower gadget, but I'm hoping that will return in time as well. :)

I apologize to everyone who commented on my Power of Tension Blogfest entry and has not yet received a return visit from me. I haven't been able to comment since Monday, but it seems to be working now so I promise to get around to all your blogs at some point this weekend. Thanks for your patience!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, everyone! I've got a pretty quiet weekend planned, just dinner with some friends and a bbq at my sister's house on Monday. How about you?


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your weekend. We have a Bank Holiday here in the UK too. I'm on my own as Hubby is at a model show.
I notice that lots of bloggers have lost their followers lists. Is there no end on the glitches? :O)

Velva said...

Hi Susan, Blogger had some major technical difficulties last weekend. I'm not so sure it has all been corrected. My follower gadget too, is missing.

Have a great weekend.


A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Sounds like a fun weekend to me, Susan. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You have a great Memorial Day weekend too.

I tagged you, by the way. :)

Joanne said...

Quiet weekend planned here too, we're just kicking back and relaxing, small bbq, some outdoor projects, that sort of thing.

Have a great weekend!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Yeah! I didn't have a problem with comments - I was totally locked out of my blog for a day! Someone suggested switching browsers and I've had no problems with Firefox.

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm excited I can finally comment too! :-)
It was like not being able to talk. LOL

I think we're just having a few BBQs with friends and family and chillin' around the house. I finally have all my planting done.

Old Kitty said...

Blogger has been so so so so naughty all week!! Bad bad bad blogger!! LOL!!!

Have a wonderful weekend too lovely Susan Fields!! Take care

Su said...

Yay, Blogger came back to life!

Cindy said...

My followers were back this morning, but seem to be gone again? Gack!

Kimberly Krey said...

I can see your followers now! Not sure if it will last, though. Mine's been gone for a while; I think it's been coming and going again. Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog this morning!

Anonymous said...

SOunds like good times. We stay off the roads on three day holiday weekends. Too many crazy drunk people driving around. Have a safe and fun-filled weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Your followers are back up. Now I can follow. Lucky me. :)

Lydia Kang said...

Have a great weekend, yourself! We're planning a low key weekend. I'm on call, which is stinky.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Blogger has had a long series of FAILS lately...
(= Have a fabulous weekend!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Bloggers been weird on comments for me as well. Hopefully it's over!

Amy said...

Hi Susan! I was happy to find that I to could comment today! For the past two days, I could long in only on my laptop and not on my desk top...very weird. Have a good weekend! :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Yay...I can comment!!!! Thank you Susan!!! I <3 you!

Jai Joshi said...

Well I'm glad to hear that someone besides me had issues commenting. I don't know what blogger is up to but it can't be good. Everything's been pear shaped for weeks now.


Stephanie said...

My follower gadget has disappeared too. I wonder why. Thanks for commenting on my blog and have a fun weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it has been so frustrating. It's a sad day when I have to resort to cleaning instead of blogging. Hopefully everything is back to normal :) Have a lovely weekend. XX

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I never had any trouble leaving comments, but I'm having trouble viewing Blogger now. Nothing appears right on the page, and there are weird blocks where normal Blogger links should be. When I navigate to a blog, especially mine, it jumps to the bottom of the page.

Gosh, I wish all these problems would go away!

Trisha said...

I know you already know I tagged ya, just stopping by to say so anyway. :D

Talli Roland said...

Have a great weekend, Susan! I've been having loads of problems commenting and posting, too. Silly Blogger. Hopefully your issues are sorted out now!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Blogger Boogers are everywhere! I can comment too, sometimes, sometimes not! Have a great holiday weekend!!!

Kittie Howard said...

Thanks for following, Susan. I'm very happy to follow you. I don't know what got into Blogger (too young for a mid-lifie) but it's nice to click buttons that work! Hope you're having a lovely weekend. We're going to our godson's for burgers.

jkraus8464 said...

My blogger seems to be working well again after losing a lot last weekend. Everything is back. It was a little scary. I was reading articles about backing up my blogs and I decided that I had better bite the bullet and do it this weekend.

notesfromnadir said...

Glad that blogger's finally fixed for you. Seemed to be a lot of problems in general & you never kne when or who'd be selected!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Ellie Garratt said...

Bad, bad blogger! Followers seem to be back, though.

Have a great weekend!

Ellie Garratt

Tony Van Helsing said...

Yep, mine was down for five days too. Rafa and Bushman suggested unchecking the keep me signed in option in my Account which worked.

Beth said...

Blogger has been having some problems, hasn't it? Hopefully it's soon on the mend!

Nas said...

Hi Susan, Blogger was a major difficulty last weekend. I'm not so sure it has all been corrected. My follower gadget too, is missing.

Have a great weekend.

Hema Penmetsa said...

Hope you're enjoying your quiet weekend with family!

Carolyn V said...

It looks like that's happening to a lot of people. I hope it clears up. =)

Dawn Simon said...

That sounds like a nice weekend! Ours is a mix of work and play, but really nice too. :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

That was a fun one! Hope you had a really nice Memorial Day weekend!