Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shopping Spree!

Woo hoo! Look at all those beautiful books! I took my eleven-year-old daughter on a shopping spree to Barnes & Noble yesterday, and we both came away with full shopping bags. Some of these were suggestions you guys gave me a few posts ago, so thanks again for the wonderful recommendations! I'm excited to get started, but right now I'm beta reading a fantastic MG novel written by one of my uber awesome critique partners, so these beauties will have to wait a little while longer. :)

If you missed my interview with author Cindy Borgne, click here for your chance to win a copy of her sci fi novel, Vallar.

And click here to read Carolina Valdez Miller's review of Possession by Elana Johnson and enter her giveaway for a signed ARC.

So, have you taken any shopping sprees lately? What did you buy?


Velva said...

Yup, but instead of Barnes and Nobles ( not a lack of my appreciation for books) Costco makes me nuts.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's quite a haul! For some reason I got suck on the Hunger book!!!

Kelly Polark said...

There's nothing like a trip to the bookstore with the kids. One of my favorite things to do! Enjoy your new books!

Bossy Betty said...

Love it. Nothing like a stack of new books. Looks like you both had fun!

Tony Van Helsing said...

I bought a bag of cement, some builders sand, a garden pond and an electric pump. Now I have to fit it all together.

Anonymous said...

How fun! I've restricted myself to not buying anymore books until my TBR pile is read. But I did recently purchase my first e-book, and writing craft book.

Laura S. said...

So fun! Book shopping sprees are the best!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a lot of books! At the moment, I have enough awaiting my attention.

Old Kitty said...

You can never have too many books!! Yay!!! and Yay for shopping sprees!!!! Enjoy your books!!!

Take care

Stephanie said...

I love shopping...and shopping for books is doubly fun!!!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Now that's my idea of a shopping spree! Awesome! (=

Elena presented at out Teen Author Boot Camp. She has a fabulous personality as well as tons of talent. (= I'm excited for her book to come out!

Robyn Campbell said...

Oh man. A bookish shopping spree. I really, really wish I lived next door to you. Can I? Huh? Are you eating some triple-layer brownies right now??? *sigh*

DEZMOND said...

those two epic fantasy books in the left seem delicious :)

Anonymous said...

That James Patterson novel is on my list.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm not allowed to go shopping for more books until I read the ones I already own...hehehehe.

Golden Eagle said...

Oooh, those are great books! :) Hope you enjoy them!

Trisha said...

I'm so jealous of overseas bookstores...ours are RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. I've been buying all my stuff from the gloriously wonderful Book Depository lately :D

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I'm a bit jealous...You've got some great books there. I've only read Liar Society out of all of those. I want to read Witch & Wizard.

Lydia Kang said...

Oh, nice! I'm going to read Carolina's review now. Thanks for posting that!

Joanne said...

I have been on a shopping spree, but this trip was for summer clothes, not books :/

Hopefully next trip will be more literary ...

Marcia said...

wedding shower gifts. :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oooh, I love shopping sprees like that!!

None for me, but I do plan a little shopping day with my mom next week. so you never know what I could come home with. :-)

Southpaw said...

No sprees for me lately, but I love a good book spree!

How do you like beta reading?

Deniz Bevan said...

Ooh! I love book buying sprees :-) If only my TBR pile wasn't so high...

Tracy said...

Ahhh, you can never have enough books, I say! I really like James Ptterson :) My last shopping spree was when I went scrapbooking and well, it's shameful! Oh only live once I say!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Wow, now that's the best kind of shopping spree! Awesome books.

Thanks so much for the mention!

Theresa Milstein said...

Fun shopping spree! I enjoyed The Maze Runner. I still have to buy The Liar Society.

Today, I ordered two copies of 100 Stories for Queensland: one for me and one for my mother. I'm trying to refrain from buying anything else until I attend the conference next weekend.

The Happy Whisk said...

Great fun. Enjoy enjoy. I just bought two new cavity cake pans to play with. Going to make doggy treats and husband treats. Not at the same time, but using the same pan.

Happy Day and Happy Reading :-)

Nas said...

Wow! Definitely my idea of a shopping spree!

Enjoy and have a Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I buy so many books that I lose track.

This is a reminder that I need to read the rest of the Gone series. I only read the first book.